Sunday, November 14, 2010

"who is that skinny guy training those big guys?"

I hear this all the time.
Overheard, of people asking my clients
"why are you training with him?"

This post was sparked by a conversation I had with a new client of mine that we had just finished an assessment about 2 weeks ago. This new client is already more muscular and more shapely than myself, but here he was in front of me, after seeing my work around the gym for the past 2.5 years, he finally is coming to alter himself.
and he's coming to me.

I have trained some very large bodybuilders.

If you read my bio, in another post on here, you'll see more of my story.

I am currently 6'1" with no abs at 183 lbs.


exactly. so, why do they come to me? whats up top.

I have taken people with weak areas (upper chest, lagging legs etc) and showed them based upon what I have learned, what they should do for THEIR scenario. even today doing my workout, I was getting some very interesting looks regarding what I was doing. I hope nobody tries to do exactly what I was doing, because I was doing more "experimenting" to fix my horrendously underdeveloped chest.

There is something to this. I now look at people differently. know how people look at girls to see how hot they are etc? I look at them and pick them apart in my head. what they're lacking, whats good, what I could do to help their physique. Girls and guys alike. its a curse, but it aids me in my quest to take people exactly where they want to go.

Am I out of shape? I don't believe so. so, its not as if these people are listening to a fat nutritionist or anything, but they are listening to a small bodybuilder/someone who is bodybuilding.

One of my mentors told me a very important piece of information, when I was asking him what books/information he's read that I could benefit further from. he told me that I have the current info, to now hone my craft. do what I want. make these bodybuilders bigger and better.
He told me I am nothing without
1) a great track record of results
2) trust

And i sat back and thought about it. and yes, all of my clients trust me 100%. not just that I won't hurt them, but that I know what I am doing, and that everything i do is in their best interest.

so where am I going with this?


why are they listening to me? whats up top.

What I have inside this insanely blonde head of mine.

the conversation with the client consisted of me explaining what I thought we should do nutritionally and training wise to get this already in shape bodybuilder to the next level.

This particular client was training 6+ times per week, with cardio, with a moderate to pretty decent nutrition program.

I told him we'll be training 3 X per week, for roughly an hour, and that's it.
I told him the nutritional ideas i was thinking of. as most of you know, they're nothing fancy (other than some few tips and tricks i have learned) but they seem to work.

and guess what?

he bought it.
he was leaning forward most of the conversation, and sat back at the end and said that if it wasn't me, he'd laugh and walk out.

The client called me the bodybuilding equivalent of a golf caddy.
I'm loosely quoting him here, but it was something along the lines of:

"Every pro golfer could beat the piss out of their caddy on the golf course, but they always listen to them to make them the pro golfer that they are. so you are kind of like the golf caddy for bodybuilders"

and that really made sense and hit home. I love it! I think it would be AWESOME to known as the golf caddy for bodybuilding. I want to take guys from where they are to anywhere/everywhere physically possible for them.

so, This is not me bitching. this is me basking in the humility of which i have received.

one of more other clients said that I have a reputation of being a "hard ass" on my clients. I laughed it off, and told some of my other clients that. to my surprise, they all kind of agreed. they assured me its in the best way possible, but also what they're saying is that there is an intimidation factor to training with Mega Marty. That was very eyebrow raising, but I suppose if you were watching me with my clients from the treadmill, It would look like I am beating the tar out of my clients (especially my women) by the pace we train and by the looks on their faces during and after the workouts.

very interesting indeed.

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