Sunday, August 7, 2011

Putting it All Together

So, lets assume you've followed quite a bit of my blogs. This is a huge assumption, because I know there is quite a bit of information to absorb in them.

so, as a recap

1) You understand the BASICS of program design (even doing the beginner routine I outlined).
2) You understand the basics of nutrition (how to put together a general guideline based upon your needs)
3) You have a proper cardio regimen to fit your goals.

How the heck do you ALTER this?

This is where, to me, having a Trainer has the greatest potential for help.

If you got from X to Y, and Y is still not good enough for you, or you want more, now you need to get some advice.

I've talked about getting reputable sources to give you opinions. Getting these is challenging and tough.

Because let's say all 3 factors at the top are in line.

BUT results are lacking or not happening?

What If I told you it COULD be something else?


Yes. For instance, myself and Chest development was/is an issue. In other words, it just would NOT develop at all. It looked awful, and it was behind every bodypart, even my lagging biceps.

So, I had to get opinions. And here's the worst part: a lot of them were garbage, and worse, I got a subluxation in my left collarbone thanks to it. Incredible.

So, through some PROPER advice and research, I have figured it out for myself what to do, and have put quite a bit of mass on my chest, not enough by any means, but much, much more than there was.

I have diagnosed a couple clients also with low testosterone. In other words, 3 of my male clients were doing great in terms of
1) following meal plan
2) doing their workouts
3) prescribed meal plan.

Yet seeing CRAP for results. So it was NOT their fault.

I had them go see their doctors, and get their testosterone levels checked.

Sure enough, they were low. Very low.

Where am I going?

Maybe there ARE things outside of your control affecting your progress, such as the ones above, or thyroid, digestion issue, something.

Having that educated 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinion is always great to have there.

But this is also saying don't take everyone's advice, implement it, and not know what was the factor that worked. Change something. Not everything, and see if that works. Then arrive at your conclusion.

To get past X, and into Y and Z, you have to get smarter. For me, smarter is keeping even smarter people around me to help and train. Progress should always occur, but the reasons why can be elusive.

On top of this, don't expect to get a ton of results constantly. You have to put in time/effort and it actually has diminishing returns. In other words, the harder you work and the further you go, the less results you'll eventually see. To keep packing on muscle or whipping off fat at the same pace is a dream.

This is how to put it all together. Get opinions other than your own, and try it out. Don't try out everything at once, but try SOMETHING if NOTHING is happening.

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