Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Environment for Growth part 1

Want to know what the #1 reason is that people choose their gym?


People do not want to spend their time commuting any more than they have to, on top of work and everything else.

In my VERY firm opinion, this should not be a determining factor in your choice. UNLESS the gym you want to go to is 40+ minutes away.

Most of you know, Gyms are not created equal. Gym chains and commercial gyms are exactly that: Mass produced for the most part. Yes, you can find some really good chain gyms out there run by very inspirational people and therefore create a great environment for growth.

Let me tell you a little bit about the gym I work at.

It is locally owned by a husband and wife team who OOZE positivity, Inspiration, Motivation, and most of all, Fitness. (Hi Kathy and E-Bomb!)

The #1 thing people say about Bent Iron Gym is that it is an incredible environment for growth. encouraging, helpful, and always uplifting. THERE is where you should be driving. Especially if you're determined/serious about your goals.

I have been to "gyms" before, and it's your classic. Guys there working out just to impress girls. Girls hugging the treadmills wearing too much makeup. Skinny guys grunting louder than Gorillas attacking each other. You know what I mean.

I didn't like it. I would spend more time being uninspired than actually working out or progressing towards my goals.

When you're in an environment for growth, you'll feel it. The staff at the front desk will be knowledgeable and more than willing to help. The members will be friendly and focused on their goals. The Personal Trainers/Nutritionists will have a slew of clients whom are active in the gym and are very happy with their results and the gym itself (Shameless self plug!)

I cannot stress this enough. I have trained people from other gyms who will come in for one session and be simply blown away. whether it is the cleanliness, the atmosphere, the gym members, or something else, it will be something they wish they had at their gym. Most of them switch to it SIMPLY for that reason.

Bent Iron Gym has 20+ people competing in ABBA's Southerns June 2013. I don't think any other gym in Alberta can boast that kind of number for competitors.

If you're thinking your gym's equipment is limiting, or you feel the members "aren't your style" or even just want a change of pace, Look into it.

Remember, the brain leads the body. You always need to walking into a place you WANT to me, not somewhere you dread.

To me, and many others, the extra drive/commute is more than worth it.

As always, the contest prep red deer coach wishes you the best of luck in your goals.


  1. Hi MegaMarty,
    Very informative post and like to say we must join gyms as gyms are the best places to improve health, build muscles and tone body and gym staff will provide you tips regarding your regular workout and nutritive diet plans.
    san antonio gym

    1. Thank you so Much Anthony ! Let me know any bogs you'd like me to write in regards to contest prep, or anything for that matter!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I need to get or went to a Fitness Gym that I get a full exercise and have a good outcome and with a good price.

  4. This is some great information on health. I am currently learning that another thing that effects health is your dental health. I need to find a good red deer dentist, do you know of any good ones?
