Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Quick answers to common questions

Hi everyone, sorry I have been busy writing my Precision Nutrition Certification (Nutritionist certification)! In case anyone is Interested, I received 97% on the exam, placing myself as the 1st person in Alberta to receive this Cert, and the 7th person in Canada. Not too bad!

Today's post is going to be quick answers to myths, without getting too in depth. hopefully this squashes even more misconceptions about the industry of which I am so passionate about.

1) crunches/leg raises/ ab exercises give me visible abs/reduce fat:
No. Nutrition will get rid of the fat. no amount of abdominal exercises will do this for you.
2) squats are bad for me knees:
IMPROPER squats are, most definitely. The methods of teaching the squat are horrendous to be nice. a proper squat is actually fanTASTIC for rehabilitation of the knee along with strengthening it.
3) cardio will make me thin:
see my post below on cardio and women training.
4) elliptical is knee/hip friendly:
almost exactly the opposite. most elliptical trainers are on a fixed track, which cause you to go out of your natural stride. the treadmill ( a good one with proper belt/stiffness beneath the feet) will be much more beneficial. if your knees hurt on the treadmill... there is a reason other than the treadmill. you could have tight muscles (aka you need to stretch) or weak muscles (aka get off the treadmill and lift some weights)
5)My Trainer says "insert comment x"
you are going to get a LOT of different trainers out there. who is right? the one who yields exactly what they say. When i say this i mean: are you going in your goal direction? do they answer EVERY question I ask? are they adjusting me properly? John Berardi has a GREAT 10 questions post that I will link all about Personal Trainers.

6) I need to feel run over for days after a workout to make it "work"
this one I might touch on in a later post. NO. If you are so sore you can't function properly, you definitely overreached that body part (you did too much)
with the EXCEPTION being your first time in the gym/trying an exercise. if you CONSTANTLY feel awful and have a great amount of muscle soreness, you're overdoing it. you could be undersleeping. you could be undereating/not eating properly. but NO the goal is NOT to feel like crap all the time.
7) Cardio before or after weights?:
after. especially when any kind of carbohydrates are in your nutrition program. In short (i might need to go over this in more depth) you use carbs/sugar to fuel anaerobic exercise (aka weights) so, if you do cardio first, you're trying to use fat for weights? you're going to have some serious compromise (seeing as you've learned by now reading these posts, progressive resistance is the answer) in muscular strength/power/recovery. ALSO on a side note, if you have a protein shake/carb drink, drink it AFTER the cardio. the 3 best times for cardio (for fat loss) are:
a) first thing in the morning on empty stomach
b)immediately after a weight session
c) 2-3 hours after a carbohydrate meal
d) (a very, very far away d) anytime of the day.

8)whats the ansnwer? low carb? low protein? low fat? high everything?

confusing? maybe! ask questions! want elaboration? ask!

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