Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This is Earned

All of this.

It's all earned.

Even the people who claim to eat crap and look great. Which, yes, there are people out there like that. They're jerks. Only because that's not me.

A side note, right quick, is those people, the ones above, have to watch their health. The way your body looks has nothing to do with how healthy you are on the inside.

Back to topic.

It's earned.

Your physique, your stamina, your health.

All of it.

It's going to be work. Sure it is. Did you REALLY, deep down inside, think you'd only have to eat clean for a bit? Did you REALLY, deep down inside, think you'd only have to do a tiny bit of weights or cardio?

If you did, shame on you.

I like to use the analogy of money. I've stolen this partially from Chris Aceto.

The people who have always had money very rarely care about money (in terms of losing it all or having none). These people are the ones with naturally great physiques.
But, if you had nothing, and you built a fortune, you're going to care a heck of a lot more about your wealth than someone who inherited it.
These are the people that have been through the grind.

These are the people that earned it.

These are the people who saved. Dollar after dollar. Cent after cent. And waited.
Gaining the wealth. Making the proper investments. Not being stupid with their money. Not buying into bogus schemes and money traps.

This is your physique. It's earned. You have to lay down foundation. Then save up. Build more muscle. Lose more fat. Gain more strength. Not taking insane supplements or relying on them.

So, with the proper mantra, the proper guidance, you can earn at least a very plausible physique.

Will you win a show/contest? Maybe not. But can you look back and be MUCH, much better than where you were?

Only if you earn it.

All the cliches come into effect.

"How hard are you willing to push?" is what I ask my clients all the time. Some people reach a limit, where sacrifice becomes suffering. That's fine.

Some people it's early in their progress, some people it's very late, or never.

The bottom line is:

If you can't sacrifice, if you can't eat all your meals, if you can't make it to the gym, if you can't stop drinking booze, if you can't cook your food, if you can't remember to take your vitamins/supplements, then you can't complain.

If you do, you may as well tell it to the wind, because no one will want to hear it, and it will only be whisked away anyways.

Have some damn pride.

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