Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meal plans failing/failing to plan meals

So yes.

You've hired a nutritionist.

You're working out for your goal.

Results are stuck per say. Whether it's you gaining weight, losing weight, gaining strength etc.

You now are starting to blame the meal plan.

Really? First off, ask yourself WHY you're questioning your meal plan.
Do you think your nutritionist isn't good?
Do you believe that you have followed it perfectly?
Have you taken a food journal to see if you're REALLY following it?


Could it POSSIBLY be that you're failing the meal plan?

That's right.

Now, this isn't a quick answer.

I've heard this quote before, so I'll stick it here. It's about meal plans and following them.

"It's simple, but hard."

Think about it. A meal plan consisting of PERFECT foods per say, its VERY simple. Let's give a VERY basic example.

You're to eat chicken and broccoli for 5 meals a day. 6 oz chicken. 2 cups of broccoli.

That is VERY simple.

Now, could your average person do this and sustain this??? Probably not. It's extremely bland, and boring. So there is where it is hard.

So this is unrealistic. So that is another angle to look at. Can you NOT follow it? Is it too hard? How? Interfering with a social life? With work?

These are all things to consider. Your nutritionist should be asking you all these questions too, and hopefully be able to help you sort out your answers. Doing a meal plan alone/your own meal planning is not a great option in my opinion. Having a professional do it will make everything much easier.


Let's say you're eating perfectly. The meal plan is actually 100%

Have you done all your training? Have you done the weights? The cardio? 100%?

How long have you done it 100%? 2 days? a week? a month?

I get this complaint all the time.

"I'm following my meal plan and I'm not seeing results."

So therefore I ask you/my clients:

"Are you really?"

I might be onto something here...

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