Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Environment for Growth Part 2

Whether you're in the market for contest prep or not, this is a huge part of your success.

Part 1 discussed the physical location for your environment for growth. Part 2 is about everything else.





I've talked before about social circle and it's importance. It's time to really drive that home.

You are who you hang around. The people at your gym will help, as will people with similar goals. The people who support you. The people that bring you down. They're all part of your environment, but YOU have to make it an environment for growth.

I like it when people think I can't do something, it fuels me. That's part of my growth. I hire phenomenal coaches to help me as well, I practice everything I preach.

A lot of this does weigh upon yourself to change. If friends around you are crushing you and not being supportive, maybe it's time to confront them. Are they jealous? Do they simply not understand your goal? Is it something more? There are tons of questions you should be asking yourself AND your friends.

Work I have found will be a bit tougher on multiple fronts. Some work places have very structured schedules and therefore eating on time and in the correct amounts is MUCH easier than those without those structures. Jobs like Nursing, serving, most oilfield jobs will be MUCH more challenging on this front.

Family will be something to consider too. If you're in a relationship, the other person should be on board with you or else you are in for a WORLD of pain. I've sadly seen it time and time again when one spouse is excited and very into the gym when the other is not. Even worse, sometimes the other spouse can even be resentful and damage the gym experience completely for a variety of reasons.

Kids shouldn't get in your way NUTRITIONALLY. Just because they're being treated here and there to ice cream/pizza/cake etc. doesn't mean you HAVE to eat with them every time. If anything, teaching your children healthy habits will make your life and theirs easier!

Keeping a set time for your gym will be a great thing to keep you on track and in the right mind frame. You'll get used to the people there, maybe even gain some friends and acquaintances! This will certainly add to your growth.

Here is something most don't talk about and I want to mention: Blood work. Is your BODY in an environment for growth? There could be things going on inside that you are unaware of. Your lipid profile could be off, testosterone, estrogen, blood pressure, cholesterol and many other things. Having regular (6 months or even more often) blood work can keep you in the know about your body and make sure the path you're on nutritionally is correct.

Training partners can be great, but should have the same goals in mind. Ground rules should be laid, aka. no talking about outside topics until after, what body parts are being trained, how long the workout will take etc. These should be all in fun and still keep the fun, energetic mood going and enhance it because someone else is there who understands.

Some of these will be hard to change, and others you will be able to do so easily!

As always, the contest prep red deer coach wishes you the best of luck in your goals!

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