Saturday, December 4, 2010

Staying on track/motivation

I get asked a lot how I do it myself.

what keeps you on track? how do you stay motivated?

now, i find it much easier. why?
1)if im not motivated, how the heck am i going to motivate my clients?
2) I have hired a nutritionist and trainer myself. distance, mind you, I haven't found anyone locally i would even consider hiring.
anyone who wants to hack me or make fun of me for hiring someone isn't really looking at the "why"
i not only get to learn from this person, but now i can focus on my clients and them only.
plus, its a business write-off!

not only that, but i do the following still:

social circle.

this I am finding out more and more as i progress myself and watch my clients grow, its the most important factor.
When i was scratching my head wondering why this client is failing, and lots of my reasonings had drifted, it was this.

you need to have people around you who are at the very LEAST supportive, and at the best, involved/have the same goals as you.

this really is becoming more and more imperative. I've seen people with the greatest ambition in the world , so it seems, fail horribly due to this.

worse, i have trained wives/husbands/friends whom which get RIDICULED for their attempt at better their health, performance, and body composition.

yes, we really are THAT negative and jealous of each other, that if someone has a goal, we blatantly hack them down. this DISGUSTS me, but here we are.

suggestions? get a buddy. post on kijiji. ask a friend to start up with you. hire a personal trainer nutritionist (BIG PLUG). find out when the recreational sports teams are playing/what/where and join a team. CHANGE your social circle if yours isn't what you want it to be. I'm very lucky to have my best friend be an aspiring bodybuilder and already successful business man (which is what I'm aiming for) so we do very well together.

Training Partners work for a bit at least, and will definitely help keep you going.

Motivational articles / videos.

this is what I have found to use a lot more lately. there are some fantastic youtube videos and articles. they really are not hard to find, just do a general/basic search and they'll be there.

a lot of my personal training clients end up going on their own. I sound like a used car salesman talking to them, but i really try to get them to keep coming in weekly for an assessment, which includes us having a 15 minute chat and checking their nutrition. this creates MUCH better adherence and accountablilty.


not only a food journal, but a training journal. these help out a crazy amount. now you're accountable for yourself. look up what those 2 pizza pieces have for calories. it'll blow you away, and motivate you.

motivational photos

this has 2 meanings. sure, get a photo of an athlete or someone whom you'd like to look like. but don't get it in your head you'll look JUST like them. better more, get a photo of you at your WORST. and keep it close (computer, wallet, desk) and know you're NOT going back there. ever.

a good eye:

if you're not going to get a nutritionist, have someone with agood eye let you know how to progress is going. scales will end up lying, so you need someone that can say "okay, you do look better" or "no, you look awful" when everyone else is saying you look fantastic.

what i have found to do especially, is "pick the motivation"
when someone says " i don't know why you're in here marty, you've been doing this for years and are still small" i LOVE THAT. i BATHE in that. that is so motivating to me. why? because i KNOW what i look like when im off. when im slacking. they think this is small/fat? you don't want to KNOW.

or when i wanted to get 5 reps, and i got 3. that doesn't discourage me. that INFURIATES me. i walk away, enraged, and underline it in my log book. that damn next time i will BLOW by 5 reps. smash it into smithereens.

there are a LOT of people that will pick being defeated. pick the motivational. don't you dare let someone or a log book or even YOU tell yourself you can't. up that. you can do this.

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