Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nutrition & Training Myths Part 1

#1 Training With Heavy Weights Makes Women Big.

Well, If you have had the chance to train with me, you know first hand this is exactly not the case. I EMPLORE YOU! GO TRY TO GET BIG!
Muscular size (Hypertrophy) is just not possible to any great extent in women. the governing hormone for muscular size is testosterone. A man has on average 500 ng/dl of testosterone. The average woman has around 65 ng/dl. having said that, you can see where the lack comes from. now, I usually have a diagram I draw to accompany my lessons, but we'll have to go off this post for now.
when a woman trains, I am a firm believe that you MUST give the muscles the same stimulus a man receives. progressively heavier weights (or more reps up to a point)
I have found that the fluffy stuff after technique coaching and rehabilitation is complete, the weight MUST increase.
Can you get into shape lifting light weights for lots of reps? sure you can... BUT it is not the fastest most effective way by any stretch.
A lot of my ladies in their first month stay around the same weight. why? the muscular conversion is HUGE! their body can borderline simultaneously dropped anywhere from 5-20 lbs of fat, water, glycogen etc and GAINED 5-20 lbs of MUSCLE!
now, this muscle is not the "big, beef" look that you're probably thinking about. its that toned, shapely muscle you see on oxygen magazine. to generate that small, shapely toned muscle, you must give it STIMULUS. and lifting the 3 lb dumbells isn't going to cut it. Fat doesn't "tone". Muscle does. it will NOT grow big (potentially a TINY bit) it will harden, becoming firm.
One day i would REALLY like to see this myth smashed everywhere, and see all ladies out there doing heavy proper squats!
What A Dream that would be!

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