Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where were you?

I expect a lot from my clients. one of my downfalls as a trainer/nutritionist is that i expect too much and I know this.

why do i expect so much?

because these people are capable, and i know what they can do. even though they can't see it, i definitely can. I'm talking about first time gym goers learning how to breathe properly all the way down to one of my bodybuilders getting that last rep with their limb trembling from the rep that took them 10 seconds to complete right before it.

Where was I tonight? Saturday, November 20th at 7pm?

at the gym.

how come? kids, I want it that bad. I want to compete in bodybuilding so bad that this is where I was. I waited till the nighttime so that i could have more food in me to push. well, to be more correct to pull.
Tonight was some deadlifts. there was about, oh, 7 other guys maybe in the gym with me. I loaded up the bar with 1 plate, warmed up. smiling.



i CANNOT STAND dealifts. if i had to pick a lift i HATE the most, the deadlift would be it. why? i have very, very long legs. disproportionate legs. so much that it hinders a lot of things (squats, deadlifts, etc) in all the wrong ways. it puts a lot of torque on my low back, demanding a LOT from my abdomen and my low back.

so, smiling? yes. becuase i know that this is what I need. not that I am by any stretch big, but my upper back (rhomboids in particular) need legg work than my para spinals and my traps, and lower lats. the cure? deadlifts.

so this is why i smile. in the face of something i hate, it in turn makes me insurmounatably happy. also why am i smiling? becuase last week i got my reps. just, just, just barely. by the skin of my abs holding my spine in place i got my reps.

so, where am i going with this once again?

i had to load up the bar with more frigging weight.

personal best at my bodyweight was/is my goal every single time i step into that area. just outside the altar (thats what i call the squat rack. ala Tom Platz... think of it as some kind of sacrificial altar. thats what I do)

so if you ever are waining. your goals are depressing you. all those cliche sayings are very true.

when the tough gets going, the going gets tough.
the early bird catches the worm
winners never quit.

yadda yadda yaddda.

yes. yes and more yes.

I really do understand when things are getting hard.

I've been fat.
I've been skinny.
I've dieted very hard doing an hour and 40 minutes of cardio every day for a long time.
I've eaten so much food that even looking at rice makes me think the worst thoughts in the world.

I'm not saying you have to do what i do. at all. I'm saying that I actually do understand what/why/how the whole shabang.

if you want a push

you want to hear more about my stories.

ask.6 l

PS. I put an extra 5 lbs on my deadlift bar, and got an extra rep (6 last week, 7 this week)

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