Tuesday, April 26, 2011


One of the WORST things that can happen to anyone/everyone is getting sick.

tons of different definitions of sick.

common cold, flu, hospitalized (something more serious) etc.

for the sake of this blog, we're going to go with general sickness aka cold and flu.

ever notice how some people are almost perpetually sick?

"its this time of the year again UGHGHGH"
"oh i can just TELL im going to get sick"
"ive had this cold now for a month or more"


are you serious???

here is one thing that ALL mega marty clients can/will say. They don't get sick. and if they do, its very, very rarely. personally, I've never been sick in my life. no flu, no cold, no nothing. well, outside of being hungover.

here is the massive kicker too:

people still go to the gym when they're sick.


.... if you're trying to recover from a sickness, why the heck would you try to get BETTER by damaging muscle tissue, and giving your body something ELSE to recover from.

NO. you do NOT "sweat it out" by going to the gym. you "sweat it out" by being in bed, recovering and eating. that's how.

that is segueing into my next point.

EAT. you MUST eat if you're going to recover. can't eat? smoothies. use from fruit and protein powder. fruit is actually amazing for health purposes/reasons. and the protein will keep everything else in line.

also, why don't my clients get sick? or if they do its very rarely?


if you're eating junk, not eating enough, or anything else I've talked about before, yes, you're going to get sick.

i don't have my clients take many supplements, but the ones they do take are mostly for health reasons. as I said, getting sick not only sets you back from work, it sets you back from the gym, and until you get better, you can't move forward with progress.

clean it up. stop the crappy mindset of "oh no everyone else is sick I'm going to get sick"


do something about it.

I've had people that are chronically sick come to me and all of a sudden... they're no longer sick. or getting sick.

who would've thought?

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