Thursday, March 24, 2011

Association of progression

As most of you know, I have switched gyms to Bent Iron Gym. I am loving this decision to switch as it is allowing me to grow not only as a personal trainer, but as a business and a person too. check them out (and a link to everything about myself) @

So, this is going to be talking about how we associate things.

I have NUMEROUS clients whom either have or have had gyms in their house. some of these clients have fully stocked gyms, machines, dumbbells, the whole nine yards. yet, they don't want me to train them at their home gyms.



I personally know this would definitely fail for me as well. why?


you smell food, you hear the TV, you just flat out know its in your house, not a gym.

as soon as you get into a gym, feel the gym setting, you will then know what I'm talking about.

then, you associate them gym with the gym. not home, not kids, not TV, not video games, not anything BUT the gym.

and so, what do I associate the gym with?

progression. intensity. limits broken. goals obtained. things along these lines.

so, what do you associate the things you do with?

As I have just switched gyms, I have finding it a LITTLE bit difficult to switch over my mentality/association of the things I just talked about with my new surroundings. even as much as I had to drop dumbbells from 100's down to 80's.

But, second time doing the workout, they're back up to the 100's.

so, this transfers over to mood, what I have discussed before, and goes back to also your social circle.

if you associate things with bad things, then they will be there.

we talked about food, and association of happiness (which is a big way how to fail)

so make sure that you find a gym that is great for you, NOT just because its seconds from your house.

find an environment to GROW.

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